
Getting Started

Helium Modular Governance lets you effortlessly DAOs to manage your communities on Solana!

Looking to learn more about launching a DAO, creating proposals, and unleashing your community? Read on.

Initializing the SDK

Every smart contract on Helium Modular Governance comes with an SDK. The six main smart contracts are nft-voter-sdk, organization, organization_wallet, proposal, state_controller, and token_voter.

Let's get started by installing the sdks

yarn add @helium/nft-voter-sdk @helium/organization-sdk @helium/organization-wallet-sdk @helium/proposal-sdk @helium/state-controller-sdk @helium/token-voter-sdk

Note that you only need to install the sdks of the contracts you wish to use.

Now, we can initialize the sdks:

import * as anchor from '@coral-xyz/anchor'
import { Program } from '@coral-xyz/anchor'
import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js'
import {
  init as initProposal,
} from '@helium/proposal-sdk'
import { PROGRAM_ID, init, proposalKey } from '@helium/organization-sdk'

const provider = anchor.getProvider()

// Create unique name
const name = `DAO Test ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)}`
const organizationProgram = await init(provider, PROGRAM_ID)
const proposalProgram = await initProposal(provider, PROPOSAL_PID)

Creating and Managing Proposals

An Organization is not required for a proposal. This allows maximum flexibility, builders can create their own hierarchical structures outside of the organization smart contract. Let's create a simple Yes/No proposal.

First, create a proposal config. This tells a proposal how votes will be tallied and how state progression occurs. By setting ourself as the vote and state controller, we control both. Using our wallet, we can add/remove votes and move the proposal from Draft to Voting to Resolved.

const {
  pubkeys: { proposalConfig },
} = await proposalProgram.methods
    voteController: provider.wallet.publicKey,
    stateController: provider.wallet.publicKey,
    // Set to default pubkey to disable vote hooks
    onVoteHook: PublicKey.default,

Now lets create the proposal:

const {
  pubkeys: { proposal },
} = await proposalProgram.methods
    // Seeds are unique per `namespace`. The `namespace` account defaults to the calling wallet.
    // The Organization uses this feature to delineate proposals by a unique `id` index. Ex `namespace, proposal 0`, `namespace, proposal 1`.
    // The `namespace` must sign for creating proposals. This prevents malicious collisions
    seed: Buffer.from(name, "utf-8"),
    // Allows for voters to vote for more than one choice
    maxChoicesPerVoter: 1,
    // Optionally put additional JSON information about the proposal here.
    uri: "https://example.com",
    choices: [
        name: "Yes",
        // Optionally put additional JSON information about the choice here. This is useful for long form markdown choices
        uri: null,
        name: "No",
        uri: null,
    tags: ["test", "tags"],
  .accounts({ proposalConfig })

Notice that every Anchor call only requires a minimum subset of accounts. Modular-governance's smart resolvers remove the pain of account munging! Just specify the accounts that you think are necessary, and it is most likely sufficient.

Proposal Lifecycle

Every proposal has a state field that starts as a Draft. In order to vote, a proposal needs to be in state Voting. When a vote is finished, it will be Resolved.

The main way to update the state of a proposal is via the state controller. Let's set this proposal to voting:

await proposalProgram.methods
    newState: {
      voting: {
        // Started voting now
        startTs: new anchor.BN((new Date().valueOf()) / 1000),
  .accounts({ proposal })

Custom States

You can implement custom states like signoff via the custom state

await proposalProgram.methods
    newState: {
      custom: {
        name: "Sign Off",
        bin: Buffer.from([]) // You can include a custom struct here if necessary
  .accounts({ proposal })


Now that the proposal is in the Voting state, you can vote on a proposal by calling voteV0

await proposalProgram.methods
    // This is voting for choice "No"
    choice: 1,
    weight: new anchor.BN(2),
    // Vote controllers are able to switch this flag to add and remove votes
    removeVote: false,
  // The voter is used for indexing, associating votes with wallets. This is more strictly enforced by vote controllers
  .accounts({ proposal, voter: provider.wallet.publicKey })


Proposals on their own are powerful, but we need a way to organize them. Organizations are a holding pattern for proposals. They allow you to group and list proposals, as well as keeping a default configuration for proposals.

Creating an Organization

var {
  pubkeys: { organization },
} = await organizationProgram.methods.initializeOrganizationV0({
  authority: provider.wallet.publicKey,
  // Reuse the proposal config from above
  defaultProposalConfig: proposalConfig,
  // Modular governance does not require you use Helium's deployed programs. You can deploy your own.
  proposalProgram: proposalProgram.programId,
  // Extra json information about the organization
  uri: 'https://example.com',

We can fetch the accounts we just created

var acct = await proposalProgram.account.organizationV0.fetch(organization!);

Creating a proposal

Now, we can create a proposal with the default config:

var {
  pubkeys: { proposal },
} = await proposalProgram.methods
    maxChoicesPerVoter: 1,
    name: 'Proposal Test',
    uri: 'https://example.com',
    choices: [
        name: 'Yes',
        uri: null,
        name: 'No',
        uri: null,
    tags: ['test', 'tags'],
  .accounts({ organization, proposalConfig })

Now we can fetch the proposal we just created:

var acct = await proposalProgram.account.proposalV0.fetch(proposal!);

Voting on a proposal

Now, we can vote on the proposal:

await proposalProgram.methods
    newState: {
      voting: {
        // Started voting now
        startTs: new anchor.BN((new Date().valueOf()) / 1000),
  .accounts({ proposal })
await proposalProgram.methods
    choice: 1,
    weight: new anchor.BN(2),
    removeVote: false,
  .accounts({ proposal, voter: provider.wallet.publicKey })

State Controllers

State controllers are programs that impose rules and structure to proposal state transition. The default state controller allows boolean logic for determining when a proposal is resolved.

State controllers work in two ways

  • The state controller has the authority to update the state of the proposal. This typically happens via calling the resolveV0 endpoint, which is permissionless. Clockwork can call this endpoint after a vote finishes, for example
  • Via the on vote hook. If specified in the proposal config, onVoteV0 is called on the state controller, and the controller can optionally return an early resolution.

Let's take a look at the default state controller.

We can form very complex resolution settings. Let's take a hypothetical governance with early tipping where we want a proposal to resolve to the top choice when either

  • 1 week has passed AND the top choice has > 50% of the vote OR
  • The top choice has at least 75% of the votes AND at least 100 vote weight.

First, we need to get our resolution settings nodes. nodes represent boolean logic to accomplish the above.

import {settings, init, PROGRAM_ID as STATE_CONTROLLER_PROGRAM_ID} from "@helium/state-controller-sdk"
import BN from "bn.js"

const stateControllerProgram = await init(provider);

const nodes = settings().or(
    // One week from the start time
    settings().offsetFromStartTs(new BN(60 * 60 * 24 * 7)),
      settings().choiceVoteWeight(new BN(100))
    // Choice percentage and vote weight resolve eagerly. Without a time bound, they will resolve to `[]` (no choices won)
    // immediately. Specifying an `AND` operation with `numResolved` will prevent the vote from resolving this branch
    // until the left side of the branch has at least `1` resolved option

Next, create the resolution controller

const {
  pubkeys: { resolutionSettings },
} = await stateControllerProgram.methods
    name: "Early Tipping 75%, 1 week 50%",
    settings: {

Next, create a proposal config:

const {
  pubkeys: { proposalConfig },
} = await proposalProgram.methods
    voteController: provider.wallet.publicKey,
    stateController: resolutionSettings,

Next, we can initiate voting via the state controller

await stateControllerProgram.methods
    newState: { voting: {} },
  .accounts({ proposal })

Notice that the voting state here does not take startTs. This is by design -- the state controller enforces setting a proper start ts. The state controller also enforces that only the owner of a proposal can move it from the Draft state to the Voting state.

Now, let's eagerly resolve the vote

await proposalProgram.methods
    // This is voting for choice "No"
    choice: 1,
    weight: new anchor.BN(100),
    removeVote: false,
  .accounts({ proposal, voter: provider.wallet.publicKey })

If we fetch the proposal, we will see it has resolved:

const proposalAcct = await proposalProgram.account.proposalV0.fetch(proposal)

Creating your own State Controller

For more complex workflows and resolution strategies, you may wish to create your own state controller. The only requirement for a state controller is that it uses its authority to update the state when necessary. This could be a wallet owned by a web2 service. Or a new program.

Vote Controllers

Vote controllers translate voting mechanism to vote weights on a proposal. There are many vote mechanisms. 1 NFT = 1 vote (nft-voter). 1 Token = 1 vote (token-voter). VeTokens that give more vote weight to longer lockups (helium-program-library/voter-stake-registry). The opportunities are endless, and so modular governance explicitly doesn't take any opinions. As far as a proposal is concerned, there is an address that signs to set votes for voters.

Let's use an Token voter. The token-voter contract works by allowing voters to deposit their voting tokens, and in exchange receive an NFT receipt. This allows the program to track votes while knowing individual tokens cannot move to another account while they are being used in a vote, stopping double votes.

First, configure proposal config and token voter:

import { init } from "@helium/token-voter-sdk";
import { createMint } from "@helium/spl-utils";
const tokenVoterProgram = await init(provider);
const me = provider.wallet.publicKey;
// If you don't already have a mint address
const mint = await createMint(provider, 8, me, me);

const {
  pubkeys: { tokenVoter },
} = await program.methods
    authority: me,
    // JSON metadata for the collection of the receipt NFTs
    collectionUri: "https://example.com",
    ComputeBudgetProgram.setComputeUnitLimit({ units: 500000 }),
const {
  pubkeys: { proposalConfig },
} = await proposalProgram.methods
    voteController: tokenVoter,
    stateController: provider.wallet.publicKey,
    // Set to default pubkey to disable vote hooks
    onVoteHook: PublicKey.default,

Now, create a proposal and set it to voting:

const {
  pubkeys: { proposal },
} = await proposalProgram.methods
    seed: Buffer.from(name, "utf-8"),
    maxChoicesPerVoter: 1,
    uri: "https://example.com",
    choices: [
        name: "Yes",
        uri: null,
        name: "No",
        uri: null,
    tags: ["test", "tags"],
  .accounts({ proposalConfig })

await proposalProgram.methods
    newState: {
      voting: {
        startTs: new BN(0),
  .accounts({ proposal })

Next, the user deposits their tokens:

import { deposit } from "@helium/vote-controller-sdk";

const {
  pubkeys: { receipt },
} = await (
  await deposit({
    program: voteControllerProgram,
    amount: toBN(10, 0),
    // The JSON metadata for the receipt NFT.
    metadataUri: "https://example.com",

Now vote:

await voteControllerProgram.methods
    choice: 0,
  .accounts({ receipt, proposal })

To withdraw our tokens, we need to relinquish all active votes:

await voteControllerProgram.methods
    choice: 0,
  // Refund specifies a rent refund destination
  .accounts({ receipt, proposal, refund: me })

Now we can withdraw:

await voteControllerProgram.methods
  .accounts({ receipt, refund: me })

The nft-voter contract works similarly to the token-voter, but does not require deposits and withdrawals. Simply initialize nft-voter with your NFT collection, and issue vote/relinquish vote with any NFT in that collection.

Executable Proposals

A common use case for governance is to execute stored procedures once a proposal passes. This could include treasury management operations, program upgrades, etc.

The organization-wallet smart contract allows associating multiple wallets with an organization, and executing transactions using that wallet.

First, set up the sdk

import { init, walletKey, compileTransaction, executeTransaction } from "@helium/organization-wallet-sdk";

const organizationWalletProgram = await init(provider)

Next, let's create a wallet:

const {
  pubkeys: { organizationWallet },
} = await organizationWalletProgram.methods
    index: 0,
    name: "First Org Wallet",
    proposalConfigs: [proposalConfig!],

// Getting the wallet address for this org wallet
const wallet = walletKey(organization, 0)[0]

While a proposal is in Draft state, we can add transactions by forming arrays of instructions:

const instructions = [... your logic to for a transaction ...];
const { transaction, remainingAccounts } = await compileTransaction(
  [] // Optional ephemeral signers. This can be useful for operations like creating mints, which require a signer keypair
const {
  pubkeys: { choiceTransaction },
} = await organizationWalletProgram.methods
    // This transaction is associated with choice 0 passing
    choiceIndex: 0,
    // This is the first transaction on choice 0. There can be multiple txns associated with a choice
    transactionIndex: 0,
    // Time lock. Allow the tx to execute 0 seconds (immediately) after the proposal finishes 
    allowExecutionOffset: 0,
    // Stop allowing execution after 1 week. This prevents malicious stale instructions executing at a much later point
    disableExecutionOffset: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7,

Once the proposal passes and resolves to choice 0, we can execute the transaction:

await (
  await executeTransaction({
    program: organizationWalletProgram,

Next Steps

Interested in using Modular Governance with React? Checkout our React Examples.

To gain a deeper understanding of the API, check out the API pages on
